Hi, I'm an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Software Engineering at the University of Calgary and Director of the WAVES Research Group. My research expertise is in communication networks, artificial intelligence (AI), and emerging multi-sensory applications. Within these areas, I currently focus on trustworthy and safe AI for wireless, immersive reality networking, and AI to improve performance of brain-computer interfaces.
I worked in industry for 7 years at Ericsson and Cisco before joining the University of Calgary. My industry roles included researching 5G wireless communications and the development of production grade software implementations of networking solutions. I was fortunate to see many of these techniques deployed in service provider networks worldwide. I led long-term R&D projects that resulted in 20 patent filings and guidance to the product teams for future networking innovations. Some of these are intelligent scheduling and link adaptation, reinforcement learning algorithms for interference mitigation, 4G/5G spectrum sharing management, and RF power control. ​​I collaborate with a team of exceptional researchers and colleagues and hold Adjunct Professor appointments at Queen’s University, Carleton University, and Ontario Tech University in Canada. For more information about my research and interests, please visit my Projects page and Google Scholar.
Our tutorial on "Building Foundation Models and Generalizable AI in 6G: From Theory to Practice has been accepted for presentation at IEEE ICC 2025!
4 papers have been accepted to IEEE ICC 2025! Congratulations to Ahmed, Elsayed, Fazal, Mohammad, Ogechukwu, and Omar! We are looking forward to the conference in Montreal!
Our tutorial on "Reinforcement Learning for Next-Generation Networks: The Road to Trustworthiness" has been accepted for presentation at IEEE ICMLCN 2025! We are looking forward to the conference in Barcelona!
Our paper on "Self-Supervised Radio Pre-training: Toward Foundational Models for Spectrogram Learning" has been accepted for publication at IEEE GLOBECOM 2024! Congratulations Ahmad!
Our paper "ProtoBeam: Generalizing Deep Beam Prediction to Unseen Antennas using Prototypical Networks?" has been accepted for publication at IEEE GLOBECOM 2024! Congratulations Omar!
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Our tutorial on "The Road to Trustworthy Deep Reinforcement Learning for 6G Networks" has been accepted for presentation at IEEE GLOBECOM 2024! Congratulations Ahmed!
Our paper "Benchmarking Motor Imagery Algorithms for Pediatric Users of Brain-Computer Interfaces"received the Best Student Paper Award at EMBC 2024, Congratulations Brian!
Our paper on "Safe and Accelerated Deep Reinforcement Learning-based O-RAN Slicing: A Hybrid Transfer Learning Approach" has been accepted for publication at IEEE JSAC! Congratulations Ahmad!
Honored to receive the Research Excellence Award 2023 from the Electrical and Software Engineering Department, UCalgary.
Our paper on "Using Early Exits for Fast Inference in Automatic Modulation Classification" has been accepted for publication at IEEE GLOBECOM 2023! Congratulations Elsayed!
Our paper on "How does forecasting affect the convergence of drl techniques in o-ran slicing?" has been accepted for publication at IEEE GLOBECOM 2023! Congratulations Ahmad!
Honored to receive the Early Research Excellence Award 2023 from the Schulich School of Engineering, UCalgary.
Our research on "Riemannian Transfer Learning for Pediatric Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI)" has been accepted for presentation at the International BCI Meeting Balancing Innovation and Translation, 2023. Congratulations Brian!
Our research on "PIEEG: Performance Evaluation of a Motor Imagery based BCI on a Low-cost, Raspberry Pi 4" has been accepted for presentation at the International BCI Meeting Balancing Innovation and Translation, 2023. Congratulations Dr. Idowu!
Our paper on"Efficient Over-the-Air Federated Learning in Tactical Networks" has been accepted for publication at IEEE ICC 2023! Congratulations Fazal!
Honored to receive the Software Engineering Professor of the Year Award 2023 from the UCalgary Engineering Student Society. I am very grateful to all my students who nominated and supported me for this award.
Our paper on "Accelerating Reinforcement Learning via Predictive Policy Transfer in 6G RAN Slicing" has been accepted for publication at IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management. Congratulations Ahmad!
I am hiring PDF/PhDs for research on AI in wireless communications in collaboration with an industrial partner. A background in channel modeling and beamforming is required in addition to expertise with deep learning. Knowledge and experience with SDRs, USRPs and GNU radio is a plus.
Our paper on "Accelerating and Compressing Deep Neural Networks for Massive MIMO CSI Feedback" has been accepted for publication at IEEE ICC 2023! Congratulations Omar!
Congratulations to Dr. Paul Idowu for being awarded the Hotchkiss Brain Institute International Postdoctoral Fellowship!
I have two senior undergraduate research internship positions for May 2023. The project descriptions can be found at MITACS Globalink under Project ID 31809 Machine Learning for Extended Reality Networking and Project ID 31295 Robust Reinforcement Learning in 5G/6G Networks and Applications. The application procedure is through the MITACS portal.
Our paper “Toward Safe and Accelerated Deep Reinforcement Learning for Next-Generation Wireless Networks" has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Network Magazine. Congratulations Ahmad!
Our research on "EEG Channel and Sampling Rate Reduction for Brain Computer Interfaces" has been accepted for presentation at the Annual Alberta BME Conference 2023. Congratulations Elissa!
We are currently hiring a PDF for a project on AI/ML for Application Traffic Prediction. The project is led by Dr. Omair Shafiq at Carleton University and is in collaboration with Ericsson Canada and Sweden.
Our papers “Reinforcement Learning-based Dynamic Resource Allocation For Grant-Free Access" and "Segmented Learning for Class-of-Service Network Traffic Classification,” have been accepted for publication at IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2022. Congratulations to Mariam and Yoga!
Our research proposal on "Quality of Experience of Extended Reality (XR) Applications over 5G Networks" has been approved by NSERC Alliance & MITACS. Looking forward to the project and collaboration.
Our paper "Structure-aware reinforcement learning for node-overload protection in mobile edge computing" has been accepted at IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking. Congratulations Anirudha!
Elissa Maalouf has been awarded an NSERC USRA to research Single-Channel Brain Computer Interfaces for Children with special needs. Congratulations Elissa!
Our patent application on "Reinforcement Learning Based Resource Allocator for Grant-Free Scheduling" has been filed by Ericsson. This is the result of Mariam Elsayem's research work and collaboration with Ericsson.
Our paper "Enhanced C-V2X Uplink Resource Allocation Using Vehicle Maneuver Prediction" has been awarded a Best Paper Award at IEEE ICC 2022! Congratulations Khaled!
Our paper "Delay-Tolerant OCO with Long-Term Constraints: Algorithm and Its Application to Network Resource Allocation" has been accepted for publication at IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking.
Our patent application on "Enhanced C-V2X Uplink Resource Allocation Using Vehicle Maneuver Prediction" has been filed by Ericsson. This is the result of Khaled Kord's research work and collaboration with Ericsson.
Our papers "Online Model Updating with Analog Aggregation in Wireless Edge Learning" and "Semi-Online Precoding with Information Parsing for Cooperative MIMO Wireless Networks" have been accepted for publication at IEEE INFOCOM 2022. Congratulations Juncheng!
I am serving on the TPCs of the Next-Generation Networking and Internet Symposium and the IoT and Sensor Networks Symposium at IEEE ICC 2022. Submission deadlines are 31 October 2021.
Our paper “Virtual Reality Gaming on the Cloud: A Reality Check,” has been accepted for publication IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2021.
​Our paper “Reinforcement Learning Based Energy-Efficient Component Carrier Activation-Deactivation in 5G,” has been accepted for publication IEEE Global Communications Conference. (GLOBECOM), 2021.
​Our paper “To DSRC or 5G? A Safety Analysis for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles,” has been accepted for publication IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2021.
I am co-chairing the Wireless Network Innovations for Mobile Edge Learning workshop at IEEE ICC 2021. The program includes an exciting industrial panel on June 18th, 9 am EDT.
Our paper “Transfer Learning-Based Accelerated Deep Reinforcement Learning for 5G RAN Slicing,” has been accepted for publication IEEE Local Computer Networks (LCN), 2021.
Ericsson is hiring a Machine Learning Intern to work on novel algorithms for 5G network and radio resource management. Please let me know if you are interested/know a good candidate!